Want to contact Sutton?

The first and most guaranteed way of contacting Sutton is... going to the stagedoor itself and waiting to meet her in person! Visit the stagedoor page for details!

But if you're interested in sending a letter to Sutton, there are simple ways to achieve your goal.

1- Write a letter!

2- Put with that letter a self- addressed, stamped envelope. (This is only if you want something back from her.)

3- In an envelope, include your letter, possibly a picture you'd like her to sign, and the self-addressed envelope (9x12 size).

4- Address your letter to the following:


c/o The Stephen Sondheim Theatre
124 W. 43rd St.
New York, NY 10110




If you do get a response, it will take some time. Just wait and hopefully you'll find a nice surprise in the mail!

Also, we realize that the following address is frequently found by fans, but from the administrator's experience, it is not a reliable address anymore. For best results, use the address(s) above.

Faulty address-

C/O Steven Unger
315 West 57th Street, #4H
New York, NY 10019

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