Want to meet Sutton? Get a picture? An autograph? Going to see her show? Some people see that others meet her and wish they could do the same. Stage dooring is actually really easy and is really fun! You can go before or after the show. Simply go into the theater or box office and any worker will be glad to tell you where the stage door is. If you go after the show, you may not see some of the actors. And there are a lot of people there. Also, when you meet them you are actually behind a barred fance. HOWEVER you still get to meet many actors and its really fun! If you want to be really savvy, you can go BEFORE the show. I (Lauren) know someone who works at the Marquis stage door and he gave me some inside information. The actors may not come OUT of the stage door after the show because there are other door/doors they can exit out of. But they have to go IN! If you go before the show, your best bet is to be there two hours prior to the show. The actors are required to be there atleast a half hour before the show. Some actors can and will refuse to take a picture or autograph. Sutton, however, does both.  You won't see them before the show if you are late, they are really early, or they aren't in the show that day. Also, if you go between the matinee and night performance, sometimes they don't leave between shows. A great benefit to going before the show is you are not behind a fence, they will really talk to you for a few minutes, and they aren't overwhelmed/rushed to move on to the next person.

Sutton sometimes comes out of the door, but always goes in.

Also, don't be nervous to meet her. She's very very humble, gracious, and nice. One thing that really sticks out to me is that she treats you like you're a person, nothing less like some stars do.

Happy stage dooring!

 How to Stagedoor!


New to Stagedooring? That's okay! Here are some tips to make your stagedooring experience fun and successful! You should keep these tips in mind when meeting any star at a stagedoor.


Do Be Polite

Say "please" and "thank you" when asking a star to take a picture, or sign something for you. Calmly hand them whatever you're having them sign. Don't shove a playbill in their face. Don't walk away from a star just as soon as you get what you want. Even if you've already gotten what you want. Wait for THEM to move on/go inside the stagedoor. You're taking up their time, remember. You wouldn't walk up to your friend just to say Hi and then walk away. It's rude. (And I'm not saying that the star is your friend, because they're not. You don't know them personally.)

Do Treat the Star like a Human Being

Because they are! A very talented human being, but still a human being nonetheless. Talk to them like you would anyone else. Try to say something other than "Can you please sign this?" or "Can I have a picture please?" Tell them what they mean to you, tell them you admire them, or that you enjoyed the show. Wish them luck on future projects. But don't be creepy, either.

Do Bring Suitable Gifts

Don't bring them food or flowers as a gift. They might be allergic, and there's no way for them to know what is in the food. Cards are okay. Small gifts are okay sometimes, for example, a drawing or a painting you did for them. Generally, stars are very flattered if you spent some of your creative energy on them.

Do Think Before You Speak

Again, don't be creepy. I know you might be nervous when you're meeting one of your idols. That's perfectly natural. Don't blurt out the very first thing that comes to mind, like "OMG, you're so awesome!"

Do Relax

Most Broadway stars (at least from my experience) are nice, and are really flattered when they meet fans.

Do Be Patient

Let them take their time down the line of fans. They'll get to you.

Do Have FUN!



Don’t Freak Out

Nothing freaks out a star more than a crazed fan who screams, "OH MY GOD, I LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH!!" It's okay. Breathe. Once again, think before you speak.

Don't Be Disappointed

If a star is in a hurry before or after the show and can't talk to you very long, or at all, don't be disappointed. Remember, being a performer is a job. They are getting paid to be at the show on time. It's not a requirement in the job description to talk to fans.

Don't Try to Chase a Star Down

If a performer is in a hurry, don't try to chase them down to talk to them. If it's before the show, it's OK just to say "Hi ___, have a good show!" If they are in a hurry, let them go. Also, don't try to catch them if they sneak out another door. There are always two or more exits at a Broadway theatre. If they don't exit the stagedoor, chances are they don't want to be approached by a bunch of people.

Don't Demand the Stars to Do Anything

Don't demand for a picture or autograph. If they can, they will. Again, it's not part of the job description to meet fans.

Don't Be a Stalker

Don't stagedoor every day before and after the show. Just don't. Two days in a row is about max. Any more than that...I'd call it stalking. Yes, it's cool for an actor to recognize you, but really, that shouldn't be your goal in life.

Don't Be Creepy

Really, it's best not to say "I love you" to a star. It's a little awkward. I understand if it comes out because of nervousness. It happens. Don't ask them to marry you. Don't touch them unless they touch you. If they put their arm around you for a picture, it's generally okay to do the same. Don't hug them. Sometimes, in really rare situations, they might hug you (if you say something or do something that touches their heart...like if you give them a gift). Don't make it seem like you know all there is to know about them, even if you you've seen every picture of them, have read every article, and have seen them in every show/movie/etc. The star might think that's just a little weird.

Don't Ask them if they Remember You

Don't ask them if they remember you from your previous meeting or from a letter you wrote to them. Stars get tons of fanletters and meet tons of people every day. Chances are, they don't remember you. Don't be disappointed. However, if they DO remember you, be calm and don't freak out, even though it IS a pretty cool feeling. ALSO, if you're creepy, they MIGHT remember you, but not for a good reason.

Don't Be too Greedy

Don't ask for a ton of autographs (again, about 2 max) or a ton of pictures (Just one is most polite. Unless the star specifically says "If it doesn't come out we can take another." Don't ask.)

I know that seems like a lot of rules, but really, stagedooring is easy and fun. Just think before you speak and be calm and polite.



Remember, if you meet Sutton, and want to tell us your stagedoor story, join our message board, OR go to the Sutton Fans! Section on our site and submit your story and/or picture!

 The Do's and Don't's of Stagedooring

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