Is Sutton associated with this site?
No, she is not, this is made by fans for fans.
Does Sutton know about the site?
Yes, she was given a scrapbook from Simply Sutton with the message board and the site address. But if she actually visits us, we don't know.
Can I use pictures for fanart, icons, or wallpapers?
Sure! Just please give credit!
How can I contact Sutton?
See the contact page under About Sutton for contact information.
Is this Sutton's official site?
No, this is not. This is a fansite for her, made by fans for fans. It was purely made because we love Sutton, and want her to have an updated website for fans.
Who can I contact with....?
Feel free to email any of the admins at! Please let the subject of a question be "Question". If you would like to send stage door pictures to be posted, send an email titled "Stagedoor Pictures". If you would like to alert us of an event or anything of the sort we may have missed, please title the email "Update". If you would like to let us know of something inappropriate on a guestbook or something that we may have missed, title the message "Disrespect Notice". Any other, feel free to name "Other". Then follow with the message. Thanks so much!! (Any updates, pictures, etc. will be given credit if a name is left!!)
Where can I go to meet other fans, post stuff, etc?